I first heard of JT Foxx at a 2014 Seminar he had in Montreal. It was a 3-day seminar in which they spoke about the importance of marketing and branding in todays business world. However, they were basically targeting specific people and then approach them with their business coaching programs. I remember being astonished at how subtle their approach was.
For those who do not know who JT Foxx is, he is considered a premier coach and strategist in business, wealth, and real estate. He is a successful serial entrepreneur who has been endorsed by many in the business and the entertainment world. You can find out more about JT Foxx here in my last blog post.
In addition to their coaching programs, JT was also pre-selling his book entitled “Millionaire Underdog”. At the time, I did not have the capital for any coaching program, but I decided to purchase the book for $50.00 US, which was supposed to come out in the Fall of 2014. When 2015 came along and did not have the book, I followed up with his organization and they replied that the book was not finished yet. I followed up with them numerous times and to my astonishment, I received the book in the Fall of 2016. Up to that point, I thought I was conned into purchasing a book that would never exist. Well I was wrong, and the information in this book is quite amazing.
Prior to writing this article, I wanted to do some research on how the book did in general and if there was any reviews on this book. To my astonishment, the book had not been released yet to the public. It is coming out officially this fall 2017. I had the privilege to have a copy of the book before its release to the public. That could explain why there some pages in my copy that are not aligned properly, but I have to admit that the content is quite amazing. Let see what this book is all about.
Millionaire Underdog – Book Review
This book clearly is reaching out to all entrepreneurs, new and seasoned. It is basically a blue print of the different elements an entrepreneur must have to become successful. The book has so much information, it would be impossible to review in detail in one blog post. You could break it down by chapter and have enough blog posts for a year. I will however speak about the recurring themes that JT speaks about.
At the beginning of the book, he tackles the mindset. He illustrates 11 mindset theories. These theories are “bold statements…that are intended to disrupt the normal and change the way you think”. I will not enumerate all of them here, however I will speak to you about the transactional vs transformational mindset. This is one that stood out the most to me. Transactional thinkers are asking the question HOW (example: How do I get more clients?). Transformational thinkers ask the question WHY (Why should clients do business with me?). According to JT, the WHY is a better question because it is more strategic. That is how millionaires think. “Rather than counting how much money you can make, count the number of peoples’ lives you can change. The faster you create success stories, the faster you will rise to the top”. This was told to JT by his personal coach Nido Qubein, and JT has been following this advice all through his career.
A recurring theme is the importance of taking action. He also speaks of having dreams and dream boards, but you need to use those dreams to fuel your action to get where you want to be. You need to make a plan, and then follow it. You will perhaps modify the plan to adapt to unforseen changes, however you need to keep moving forward until you get where you want to be. Most people do not act because of fear. There is a large section dedicated to fear and how to overcome it. JT speaks about his stuttering issue when he was young and how he overcame it. He says if he could overcome fear, anyone can.
The book also addresses longevity of a business. In order for a business to remain competitive and relevant, it must continually innovate either through acquisitions or development. The business must continually evolve. JT also places an emphasis on branding and marketing, and how it has become vital to the success of any business in today's world.
In summary, Millionaire Underdog is an actual blueprint to how to succeed in business. The book will walk you through marketing, sales, growth, time management and the improtance of mindset. Amazon describes the book as a "crash course MBA for entrepreneurs and business owners". I can not describe it any better.
Bottom Line
This was a real treat to read. Despite the book that I read was a beta version, the content was not only an easy read, but more improtantly the content is out of this world. It was written to reach the most people possible. You can literally apply what he is saying immediately. The information is straight forward and to the point. Actually it is very direct, no metaphors or beating around the bush. What I also found interesting about this book was that some of JT Foxx’s students were profiled. Anyone who is remotely interested in business will definitely love this book.
I give it a 9 on 10 !!!!
This book is officially coming out this September. You can pre-order your copy of Millionaire Underdog here.
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